Monday, January 18, 2010

WEEK THREE - 18th January 2010

This week's donation was a fairly obvious choice.  Originally I wasn't going to donate to this cause because I had intended to choose charities closer to home.  But when a disaster of this magnitude occurs I think the world needs to respond.

The earthquake in Haiti is a major disaster.

The difficult part was choosing which organization to donate to.  I have chosen the Australian Red Cross.

My $5 isn't much but lots of $5 would make a bigger difference.  Who's with me?


Brenda said...

Good on you Thea!

life and the memoirs said...

Hi Thea, I've just made my $5 donation to the Haiti Earthquake Appeal. So easy with you having the link there for me - thank you! The people of Haiti need our support, we can't imagine the level of devastation they are suffering.
I'd to mention My Year of Giving on my blog post today - is this ok with you? I love your idea and believe we can all make a difference collectively.

Thea said...

life and the memoirs - That's great and of course you can mention it on your blog! I agree with you, on our own we can't do much but together we can make a huge difference. Thank you! :)

Jodie Ansted said...

Good work, Thea!

Hubby and I have a set amount of organisations that we donate to each year, which is good for me, because getting myself to pay the $5 each week to different ones would be a NIGHTMARE (I'm just not organised enough)! And when something like Haiti happens, Hubby organises a special donation for that.

But I think what you're doing is fantastic, and very inspiring.

You go girl!

Thea said...

Thanks, Jodie! And thanks for following. xx

Megan Blandford said...

Done! Matched your donation... I agree, alone it's not much but together we can make a difference xo

Nerdycomputergirl said...

Congratulations, I'm sure there are many, many worthy causes that will benefit from your brilliant idea. In fact I think I might follow your lead!